Dress Code
The primary goals of Evergreen School are to improve student learning and performance, to prepare students to be successful in life, and to provide a safe school environment.
Appropriate dress is important to the educational performance and attitude of students. The appearance of any young person is primarily the responsibility of the individual and his / her parents. Clothing and apparel worn at school should focus student attention toward the purpose of school and upon doing his / her best. Students are expected to maintain dress and appearance that shows support for the goals and expectations of Summit Valley School. Student dress must be modest and not distracting to other students or teachers. When a student’s appearance is felt to be distracting, disruptive, immodest, unsafe, or detrimental to the teaching / learning process, reasonable and appropriate action will be taken.
Dress codes have been established to promote an environment conducive to leaning, instill self discipline, minimize distractions, promote modesty, and provide safety.
The responsibility for complying with the dress policy is placed upon the student and his / her parent(s) / guardian.
Enforcement of the dress code is the responsibility of the teachers, the administration, and designated staff members.
Dress expectations are encouraged at all times.
School Dress Expectations (Applies to both genders)
Clothing worn at school must be modest.
Clothing must be size appropriate. Extremely tight feature-revealing clothing or excessively saggy or baggy clothing is not appropriate.
Shirts, tops, and dresses must have snug fitting arm holes. No spaghetti straps or loose fitting tank tops.
No low backs, deep scooped necklines, or exposed cleavage.
Midriff or bare back must not be exposed when involved in normal school activities such as walking, sitting, bending over a desk, raising hand, etc.
Shorts must be below fingertips when standing with the shoulders relaxed and arms extended at the side.
Skirts and dresses must be as long as or longer than shorts and must not pose a significant distraction when the student is involved in normal school activities such as walking, sitting, bending, etc.
Underwear must not be exposed or visible.
Clothing will not be permitted that is sexually provocative, mutilated, displays offensive language or slogans, advertises any substances a student cannot legally possess, or is gang related.
Shoes should not pose a safety hazard. State health law requires that shoes be worn in the school at all times.
Potentially dangerous apparel items such as large or long chains, spiked clothing or unsafe accessories will not be allowed.
Hats are not to be worn in the school building during school hours unless necessary during special events or exceptional circumstances.
Dressing for success is vitally important to Evergreen School. We request your assistance in maintaining a positive and productive environment conducive to learning.
Please help keep Evergreen School a great place to learn.